Macular Degeneration (Yellow Spot)
What is macular (yellow spot) degeneration?
Yellow spot disease (macular degeneration) is a retinal disease that affects central vision. It is quite common after the age of 55 and may lead to loss of vision in the event of progression. Macular disease is a disease of the retina and early diagnosis is very important for its treatment.
Who does yellow spot disease affect?
- People older than 55 years of age
- Those with hereditary risk
- Smokers
- People with hypertension
- People who have systemic diseases that affect the eyes
Risk Factors
The main risk factors for age-related yellow spot disease include the person’s age and hereditary characteristics. Other risk factors are hypertension, smoking, nutrition, elevated lipid-cholesterol levels, long-term exposure to sunlight and being overweight.
Symptoms of the Disease
- Loss of vision
- Wavy or broken view of objects/lines
- Shadows in front of the eye
- Impaired visual quality
- Trouble discerning colors
What precautions should be taken against macular disease?
Age-related and hereditary factors are impossible to eliminate. However, other risk factors can be controlled. If there is hypertension, it can be controlled. If smoking, the patient should quit. Filter sunglasses should be worn for sun protection. A Mediterranean diet is recommended. It is recommended to avoid butter, red meat and cholesterol-containing food.
How many types of yellow spot disease are there and what are their consequences?
There are two types of yellow spot disease: dry and wet. The dry type accounts for 90% and the wet type accounts for 10% of all cases. However, early diagnosis is more important in the wet type since it leads to loss of vision. Progressing more rapidly than the dry type, this disease leads to sudden loss of vision accompanied by impaired color vision and a loss in contrast sensitivity, and to blindness because of bleeding in the new vessels that are formed in the retina and macula over time.
How is macular disease treated?
Preventive treatment is given in the dry type of yellow spot disease: intraocular injection and photodynamic treatment is administered in the wet type. Antioxidant vitamins A, C and E, lutein and zinc are used in preventive treatment. Some stages of macular degeneration (advanced dry appearance and cured wet appearance) are treated with intraocular lenses, commonly referred to as macular lens or macrovision.
Treatment with intraocular injections is carried out under drip anesthesia. During this procedure, the patient does not feel pain.
In photodynamic treatment, after the introduction of a drug of a special composition into a vein, a low-intensity laser is used.
Use of intraocular lenses: A lens (macula lens or macrovision) enlarges the image, creating a telescopic effect, deflecting the focus of the image beyond the diseased macula.
What is a drop test?
Since the cornea, which forms the front of the eye, serves as a window, the patient waits half an hour after applying special drops. When the pupil, thanks to the drops, reaches a sufficient width, the doctor can examine and examine the entire retina in detail. Retinal degeneration, that is, macular disease, is diagnosed only with the use of eye drops. The fundus examination shows if there is a problem in the retina, and at what stage it is, and gives a chance to prevent vision loss through early intervention.
For successful treatment as a result of early diagnosis, it is important to undergo a (detailed) fundus examination once a year using drops.
Amsler grid test in yellow spot disease
This test is not the equivalent of a routine eye exam. However, it is a graph that you can self-administer to identify the early symptoms of yellow spot disease. Experts recommend that everyone older than 40 years of age take this test.
How is the Amsler grid test applied?
- If you have glasses or contact lenses that you normally use for reading, put them on.
- Hold the grid above about 30-40 cm from your face in a well-lit room.
- Cover one eye with your hand and focus on the center point with your open eye. Make sure you can see all 4 corners of the big square on the grid.
- Check the other eye in the same way.
- If you see waves, breaks, blurry lines, or no angles, you may have signs of macular degeneration.
In this case, you should contact an ophthalmologist specializing in diseases of the retina as soon as possible.
May improve visual acuity.
May improve contrast sensitivity.
May reduce the volume of central drusen.
The Valeda Light Transmission System is a method used for dry age-related macular degeneration using photobiomodulation. Treatment is carried out in a series of 9 sessions for each eye over three weeks. Each treatment session takes less than 5 minutes per eye.
Who can get Valeda light transmission treatment?
People undergoing this treatment should be diagnosed with age-related dry macular degeneration by an ophthalmologist. The stage of the disease affects the benefit of treatment. The Valeda light system is used to treat age-related dry macular degeneration. This method of treatment is not suitable for the wet type of the disease.
Who should not be treated with the Valeda light transmission system?
This treatment is not recommended for patients with photosensitivity and a history of central nervous system disease (eg, epilepsy, migraine). Patients using photosensitivity medications within 30 days before treatment should not undergo this treatment without consulting their ophthalmologist.
What are the clinical benefits of Valeda light transmission treatment?
Treatment with the Valeda light transmission system can improve overall vision. In visual impairment caused by protein accumulation, the level of vision may be increased by the use of a light system.
What are the possible side effects of Valeda light transmission system treatment?
Photobiomodulation is a low-level light therapy that helps improve cell function. This treatment is a safe method that has been used for many years in the treatment of many different diseases and ailments. Clinical trials in patients with dry age-related macular degeneration show that the use of light therapy is equally safe. Valeda Light Therapy does not harm the eyes. With light therapy, no treatment-related side effects have been found so far, as noted in previous studies.
What can I expect during and after Valeda treatment?
The bright light used in the treatment may cause a scar to form immediately after the procedure. This state is normalized within a few minutes. After treatment, you can continue with your daily activities.
Valeda light transmission treatment can also be applied to patients with cataracts.
Prepared by the Dünyagöz Hospital Editorial Board.
*Page content is for informational purposes only. Consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment
Last Update Date: 02.06.2023