
Bionic Eye Treatment

What is Retinitis Pigmentosa (Night Blindness)?

Retinitis pigmentosa, commonly known as night blindness and one of the hereditary diseases of the retina, is a genetically inherited disease. Retinitis pigmentosa (night blindness) usually begins at age 10 and continues with effects such as narrowing of the visual field, and a reduction in visible colors and light. Recognition of this disease, which differs from person to person, at an early age is very important for the course of treatment. For this reason, parents need to monitor their children and periodically check whether the visual level in dim light is healthy in children.

What is a Bionic Eye?

The bionic eye is a method of treating people who have missing or severely damaged light receptors in the eye and have a loss of vision due to retinitis pigmentosa (night blindness), but the optic nerves remain intact. Retinitis pigmentosa, popularly referred to as night blindness, is a very serious eye disease that exhibits very different genetic characteristics, is more common in consanguineous marriages, and leads to total blindness. The goal of bionic eye treatment is to improve the level of vision in people with visual impairment due to retinitis pigmentosa by improving their perception of shadow or light.

To Whom Can Bionic Eye Treatment be Applied?

This treatment can be applied to:

  • Persons with damaged or missing light receptors in the eyes
  • Persons with intact optic nerves
  • Persons over 25 years of age
  • Persons who can feel light in at least one eye
  • Persons with vision loss due to retinitis pigmentosa.

How is Bionic Eye Treatment Carried Out?

During bionic eye treatment, a chip is placed in the patient's eye, which transmits light through special glasses with a camera to the center of vision.

How Does Bionic Eye Treatment Work?

The retinal implant (Bionic Eye / Argus II Retina Prosthesis System), placed in the human eye, consists of two parts. The device works through an electronic eye that detects objects in the field of view. The eye has a camera and is connected to a power device to activate the implant.

What is the Process After the Treatment?

After the treatment, the goal is for the person to perceive light and interpret objects. A person begins to see in black and white, and the perception of shadow and light increases. After the treatment, a three-month rehabilitation process begins, and the person begins to see better. In this process, support is provided on how to perceive people and objects and how to interpret what patients see with the bionic eye.

Bionic Eye Treatment Prices (H2)

To learn the prices for treatment with a bionic eye, you can click on the link below and fill out the form. Our customer service representatives will contact you as soon as possible to provide detailed information.

Prepared by the Dünyagöz Hospital Editorial Board.

*Page content is for informational purposes only. Consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment

Last Update Date: 25.01.2023