

Social Responsibility Projects

Dünyagöz Hospitals Group has undertaken numerous social responsibility projects since the very first day of its foundation.

Dünyagöz Staff Learns Sign Language!

Turkey's first branch hospital, Dünyagöz Hospitals Group gave sign language training to its staff members who were in direct contact with patients so that better service could be provided to hearing-impaired citizens. Undertaken for the purpose of improving the quality of life for the hearing-impaired by eliminating the obstacles confronting their eye health, the training was organized in 2010 both for Dünyagöz Hospitals and for staff from nearby hospitals. Dünyagöz Ataköy was selected as the pilot center for the project, which was initiated in April 2010. For three months, the "Turkish National Federation of the Deaf" taught sign language to staff members from various units of the hospitals. Thanks to the project, hearing-impaired citizens coming to Dünyagöz Hospitals will be able to benefit from the greeting, registration, examination and surgery services without any difficulty. In the next stage of the project, training was provided to the public and healthcare staff members of other institutions, and participants were given achievement certificates.

Dünyagöz Supports TOÇEV!

As part of its social responsibility efforts in 2006, Dünyagöz Hospitals Group contributed to TOÇEV's "YAŞASIN OKULUMUZ" campaign and realized the restoration of Türkeli Primary School in the village of Türkeli (Araklı, Trabzon).

TÜRKELİ Primary School was opened on 26 September 2006 with the participation of Trabzon Governor Hüseyin YAVUZDEMİR. A Mobile Eye Clinic was made available at the opening to give students, teachers and villagers an eye examination. Eye glasses and medications were supplied free of charge to those in need. Stationery supplies were specially prepared for all children and delivered in school bags.

Meaningful support from Dünyagöz to TOFD!

Dünyagöz supports all social responsibility projects organized in favor of the Spinal Cord Paralytics Association of Turkey (TOFD).

Sponsoring all activities, Dünyagöz has donated tens of wheelchairs to TOFD to be delivered to patients in need.

Dünyagöz stands by autistic individuals!

For the purpose of understanding and serving autistic individuals better, Dünyagöz Hospitals Group collaborated with Tohum Autism Foundation to organize a seminar on "Eye Examination in Autistic Individuals" and trained its physicians, healthcare personnel and patient advisors so that they could have better communication with autistic patients.

Autism is one of the most common neurological disorders of our day... It is estimated to affect one in every 110 children, and society's better understanding of autism would make life easier for autistic people. Embracing the mission of "providing the best services to every segment of society", Dünyagöz Hospitals Group collaborated with the Tohum Autism Foundation to organize a seminar on "Eye Examination in Autistic Individuals" and trained its physicians, healthcare personnel and patient advisors so that they could have better communication with autistic patients.

Autism, the characteristics of autistic people and the problems they encounter in healthcare were discussed during the training given by Assoc. Prof. Bünyamin Birkan, Director of Tohum Autism Foundation and President of Tohum School for the Autistic.