Kadri Cemil Apaydın
Eye Diseases Specialist
Place and Date of Birth
- Malazgirt, 1955
Language Skills
- English
Education and Experience
- Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine 1972-1979
- Hacettepe University, Department of Ophthalmology 1980-1983
- Balıkesir 200-Bed Military Hospital 1983-1984
- Istanbul Şişli Etfal Hospital 1984-1987
- Akdeniz University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology 1988-2022
Number of Scientific Publications
- International publications:32
- National publications:64
- International papers:30
- National papers:91
Case Experience
- 40 years of active practice as an ophthalmologist
- Turkish Medical Association
- Turkish Ophthalmology Association
- Deutsch Als Fremdsprache Language Certificate 1979
- Interuniversity Board Foreign Language Achievement Certificate 1986
- StAntony's School of English Language Certificate 1988
- ÖSYM Foreign Language Achievement Certificate 1992
- Interuniversity Board Associate Professor Achievement Certificate 1993
- The New York Academy of Science Active Member Certificate 1994
- Akdeniz University Total Quality Management in Hospital Management Certificate 1997
- Turkish Ophthalmology Proficiency Certificate 2003 and 2011