Dilek Yüksel
Eye Diseases Specialist
Place and Date of Birth
- Ankara, 1966
Language Skills
- English
Education and Experience
- • 1989-Undergraduate- Akdeniz University, Faculty of Medicine
- • 1995- Specialization in Medicine - Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology
- • 1997- Specialist Dr- Bayındır Medical Center-Ankara
- • 1998- Specialist Dr – Sevgi Hospital- Ankara
- • 2013- Specialist Dr- SB.Ankara Education and Research Hospital
- • 2013- Associate Professorship - Education assistant - MoH Ankara Education and Research Hospital
- • 2023- Professorship – Süleyman Demirel University, Department of Ophthalmology
- • 2020- Undergraduate- Ankara University, Faculty of Law
- • 2021- Ankara Bar Association Lawyer Internship
- • Currently - Master's degree with Thesis in Health Law - Ankara University, Institute of Health Sciences
Number of Scientific Publications
- A total of 41 printed articles in international (SCI/SCI-Expanded) and national journals, a total of 71 papers in international and national meetings, a total of 25 times being an invited speaker in panels, courses and interactive meetings in congresses.
Case Experience
- 30 years of active practice in ophthalmology - clinical and surgical experience
- Turkish Medical Association
- Turkish Ophthalmology Association (1990- )
- Turkish Republics Ophthalmology Association (2004- )
- Active Membership of Turkish Ophthalmology Association Oculoplastic Surgery Unit (1999- )
- Membership of the European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ESOPRS- 2012- )
- ISO-9001- Internal Quality Auditor Certificate - 1995
- Trainer Education Certificate – 2023
- 1) Dr. Hatice Özcanlı Medical Imaging and Interventional Radiology Award - In 1996, Ilgıt E, Yüksel D, Ünal M, Akpek S, Işık S wrote the article titled "Transluminal balloon dilatation of the lacrimal drainage system for the treatment of epiphora"
- 2) The Scientific Exhibition Committee of European Congress of Radiology (ECR 95) award - Vienna March 1995, Ilgıt E, Yüksel D, Ünal M, Akpek S, Işık S for the notification titled "Treatment of recurrent nasolacrimal duct obstructions with balloon expandable metallic stents"