Alper Ağca
Eye Diseases Specialist
Curriculum Vitae
Place and Date of Birth
- 1979
Education and Experience
- 2002 Marmara University Medical Faculty
- 2007 Beyoglu Eye Hospital (Specialization)
- 2015 Beyoglu Eye Hospital (Associate Professorship)
- TOA (Turkish Ophthalmological Association)
- Turkish Ophthalmological Association, Head of Young Ophthalmologists (2017-2019)
- Turkish Ophthalmological Association, Board Member of the Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (2019-2020)
Tasks in Scientific Journals
- Beyoglu Eye Journal Editorial Board Member (2016-2020) Peering in many national and international journals.
- XXXII. Congress of the ESCRS, London. 13-17 September 2014. 2nd place in the Best Poster category. (The evaluation of corneal subbasal nerve regeneration with in vivo confocal microscopy in patients on whom FS-LASIK or SMILE was performed).
Case Experience
- Case experience over 15.000.