Adnan Polat
Eye Diseases Specialist
Place and Date of Birth
- Aksaray, 1954
Language Skills
- English
Education and Experience
- 1977 Ankara University, School of Medicine
- 1981 Ankara University School of Medicine, Department of Eye Diseases (Specialization)
Number of Scientific Publications:
- More than 50
Case Experience
- Experience with more than 15,000 surgical cases during 37 years of active service as an ophthalmologist.
- TOD (Turkish Society of Ophthalmology)
- TMA (Turkish Medical Association)
- TOD (Turkish Society of Ophthalmology) Cataract and Refractive Surgery Unit, Member
- TOD (Turkish Society of Ophthalmology) Training and Planning Unit, Member
- TCOD (Turkish Republics Ophthalmology Society)
- ESCRS (European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons)