
About Presbyopia

About presbyopia

What is presbyopia (near vision impairment)?

Presbyopia is a condition in which the eyes lose their ability to see nearby objects clearly over time. Many patients wonder what presbyopia means. To explain this in detail, when a distant object approaches, the stimulus reaching the brain is evaluated and transmitted to the eye. Here, as the muscles contract and relax in the so-called "ciliary body" of the eye, the fibers associated with it are stretched or weakened. This movement of the fibers causes the lens to narrow or thicken, increasing its refractive power. The eye loses its ability to sit close with age. Although it has not been conclusively proven, the closest theory regarding the age-related loss of this ability is the theory of cellular aging. This theory states that our eye cells lose this ability when our hair turns gray due to aging. Therefore, the problem can be considered physiological aging, and not a pathological problem.

How does presbyopia (near vision impairment) develop?

The development of presbyopia starts like this: our natural lens, which has 10 degrees of refraction for far distance, allows us to see up close, getting 3 degrees of refraction more due to our adaptation reflex when looking at something up close. The lens inside our eyes has a structure that can change shape. Thanks to our adaptive reflex, when objects get closer, our lens sharpens and allows us to focus at close range.

At what age does near vision impairment (presbyopia) occur?

The deterioration of near vision begins with the loss of elasticity of our natural lens and the gradual loss of its ability to focus after the age of forty. This means that people with good far vision will soon need glasses of about 1 diopter at age 40, 2 diopters at 50, and 3 diopters at 60. Eyes with slight myopia do not need to focus at a near distance, because they are already enough refractive, they can see up close without glasses.

What are the symptoms of presbyopia (near vision impairment)?

Presbyopia is a slowly developing eye disease. Some symptoms of presbyopia include:

  • Difficulty reading small print,
  • The need to keep reading materials (books, magazines, menus, digital devices, labels, etc.) at arm's length,
  • Difficulty seeing nearby objects.

It can also cause eye fatigue and headaches, which can make other near-vision tasks less comfortable and more tiring.

How is presbyopia (near vision impairment) treated?

Intraocular trifocal lenses are among the most common surgical methods for the treatment of presbyopia. Patient selection is very important for this treatment. First of all, the patient should undergo a detailed eye examination and, based on the results of the examinations, check the feasibility of the operation. Not every patient is suitable for the treatment of near vision problems.

Surgery for near vision impairment (presbyopia)

Surgery for presbyopia is usually done with trifocal lenses. Thanks to this operation, the deterioration of the patient's vision at close range can be corrected. In the treatment used, it should be noted that it is more important for the patient: to see at a far or near distance. Another important issue in patient selection is the patient's pupil size. Since the treatment is cataract surgery, patients can find a solution to both the cataract problem and the far and near vision problem at the same time. Another treatment option for near vision problems is laser treatment. 

When does near vision impairment (presbyopia) begin?

Presbyopia, which usually starts shortly after age 40, is considered a normal part of aging.

What can be done to prevent the progression of presbyopia and early diagnosis?

There is no way to stop the progression or prevent presbyopia. What needs to be done in the treatment of presbyopia is to ensure that an image similar to the image when the eye is focused is again visible. Spectacles or contact lenses may be prescribed to provide this image. For a complete treatment, refractive surgery or surgery with intraocular lenses can be performed, taking into account the condition of the patient's eyes.

Prices for the treatment of presbyopia (near vision impairment)

To get information about the cost of treating presbyopia, you can follow the link below and fill out the form. Our customer service representatives will contact you as soon as possible to provide detailed information.

Prepared by the Dünyagöz Hospital Editorial Board.

*Page content is for informational purposes only. Consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment

Last Update Date: 10.12.2021