
Intraocular Lenses

Intraocular Lenses Used in Cataract and Clear Lens Surgery

Our natural lens inside our eyes has a refractive index of +10 degrees. Our natural lens adapts when we look up close until the forties and gains 3 degrees for far distance. At the age of forties, we start to lose our adaptive reflex and wear glasses for near vision when we look up close. The condition that our natural lens loses its transparency is called a cataract. When the cataract is surgically removed, our eyes will be deprived of 10 degrees in the far distance and 13 degrees in the near distance vision. Therefore, in cataract surgery, intraocular lenses are placed in the eye with the features needed by the eye.

Today, astigmatism control is possible because cataract surgery can be performed through very small incisions. In addition, the technology and formulas used in the calculation of the lens needed by the eye are extremely advanced. We can think of cataract surgery as surgery for returning to life without glasses when the right intraocular lens is selected. Even if cataracts have not started yet, especially in hypermetropic patients who have reached the age of using glasses, we can provide a life without glasses by performing early cataract surgery and placing appropriate intraocular lenses. When the natural lens is taken, which is the reason for the constant change in the dioptres of the eye, and a fixed lens is placed into the eye, there is no change in the numbers anymore.

How many types of intraocular lenses are there?

  • Lenses that have only one focus are called monofocal, or unifocal lenses. Since these lenses do not provide a solution to astigmatism, they aim to show the distance without glasses in people with low astigmatism. Patients with single vision lenses need +2.25 dioptre glasses to be able to read
  • Monofocal lenses that also correct astigmatism are called toric monofocal lenses. These patients also need +2.25 dioptre glasses for near-distance vision
  • The newest type of monofocal, monofocal (+) lenses give some support not too close but at an intermediate distance. They specifically aim to show step distance and tabletop
  • Lenses with increased depth of focus (EDOF) also give good support at medium distances, but not at very close distances. They especially aim to show mobile phones and computer
  • Lenses that have a far and a near focus are called bifocal lenses. These lenses show far and near distances together. Near distance is clear only at a certain distance
  • Today, the most common and preferred lenses are trifocal lenses. Because with these lenses, you can see not only at a near distance but also at a distance of 40-80 cm.


What you need to pay attention to after surgery with intraocular lenses

After surgery using intraocular lenses, the patient is postoperatively monitored and discharged on the same day. For the healing process, it is very important to apply the drops at the intervals indicated by the doctor. A follow-up examination is usually carried out the next day after the operation.


Will my vision be blurred after IOL surgery?

Blurred vision may occur on the first day after intraocular lens surgery. This is normal and temporary. As a rule, the cause of blurred vision after surgery with intraocular lenses is the drops used during the operation and corneal edema. However, within a few days after the operation, you will notice that your vision has become clearer.


Prices for intraocular lenses

To find out the prices for operations using intraocular lenses, click on the link below and fill out the form. Our customer service representatives will contact you shortly with further details.

To view our Intraocular Lenses brochure, please visit the link.

Prepared by the Dünyagöz Hospital Editorial Board.

*Page content is for informational purposes only. Consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment

Update Date: 12.05.2023

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