
Types of Glaucoma

What is open-angle glaucoma?

This is the most common type of glaucoma. It occurs in older people (50-60 years). Due to a decrease in the function of the outflow angle over the years and insufficient outflow of intraocular fluid, intraocular pressure (eye pressure) increases and causes damage to the optic nerve. Eye pressure usually ranges from 12 to 20 mm Hg. Art. in healthy people. In patients with glaucoma, this value is usually above 20 mm Hg. However, in some people with sensitive optic nerve structures, damage to the optic nerve can be seen with normal eye pressure values.

People with high eye pressure who have not yet developed damage due to glaucoma are considered ocular hypertensives. Patients with damage to the optic nerve due to glaucoma should be treated. Unfortunately, glaucoma does not manifest itself in any way. Because central vision is not impaired in the early stages, patients may not notice vision loss. That's why it's important to have an eye exam at age 40 and once a year after age 50. 

Depending on the degree of damage to the optic nerve, regional visual field loss develops first. As the disease progresses, these areas merge, forming large visual field losses. Blindness develops when the optic nerve is completely damaged.

What is narrow-angle glaucoma?

This is a less common type of glaucoma. This usually occurs in hypermetropic eyes, which are smaller, when the iris tissue (the colored part of the eye) is very close to the outflow angle and covers that angle.

Since the outflow of intraocular fluid is blocked when the outflow angle is closed, the eye pressure rises sharply to 40-50 mm Hg. This condition is quite painful. At the same time, nausea and vomiting may occur, and vision becomes blurred. This condition, which requires urgent treatment, can lead to permanent blindness. In some patients with angle-closure glaucoma, angle closure may develop gradually over many years.

Last update: 18.12.2022

Prepared by the Dünyagöz Hospital Editorial Board.

*Page content is for informational purposes only. Consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment