
This Disease Threatens Almost 2 Million People in Turkey!

Glaucoma, which progresses insidiously without any symptoms and causes permanent eye damage, affects about 2 million people in Turkey. Prof. Dr. Ümit Aykan from Düyagöz Etiler Hospital said that despite the large number, only five percent of patients are aware of their disease: “Glaucoma is a serious disease that can occur in anyone over the age of 35, it progresses insidiously and can lead to blindness. Early diagnosis and treatment are very important for glaucoma, which is one of the leading causes of preventable blindness in the world. The main reason for this is that lost sight never comes back. At whatever level we find the disease, we can only maintain it at that level. This is possible only with constant observation and careful treatment”.

The genetic factor comes to the fore in such a silent disease as glaucoma

Mentioning that everyone is at serious risk after a certain age, Prof. Dr. Aykan said: “Increased eye pressure can lead to damage to the optic nerve, so it is very important to periodically assess the condition of the optic nerves and the thickness of the optic fibers using modern devices. This becomes even more important, particularly in the presence of intraocular pressure in older generations and the family as a whole. Eye pressure, the silent thief of vision, is seen in about two million people in Turkey. All of these patients are at risk of losing their vision in the future”.

The risk group includes people with low blood pressure and people who have problems sleeping!

Claiming that people with a family history of glaucoma, people with diabetes, and people with myopia are at risk for glaucoma, Prof. Dr. Aykan points out that people with low blood pressure and those who have trouble sleeping at night should be carefully monitored due to the risk of glaucoma. Emphasizing that glaucoma is a very insidious disease, Prof. Dr. Aykan said: “Glaucoma is a dangerous disease that can cause sudden and irreversible loss of vision without any pain. For this reason, twice-yearly eye pressure testing should never be delayed until age 40”.

Glaucoma can also be treated with medications

Prof. Dr. Aykan states that glaucoma can also be treated with medications such as eye drops, and if necessary, surgery and laser can also be used in the treatment. Prof. Dr. Aykan said: “In the early stages of the disease, medical treatment will be sufficient to treat the disease. However, early diagnosis is very important for this. Because vision that is lost can never be regained. For this reason, people should have eye examinations at regular intervals after a certain age. In necessary cases, we can also resort to surgery and use a laser in treatment”.