
The Importance of Early Diagnosis and Rehabilitation For Low Vision

Vision is a skill we learn after birth and it is our most important sense. In infants and children, vision problems can be developed for a variety of reasons. If the "poor vision" that can occur in infants and children is not detected early, a person may have to live with vision loss for life. Prof. Dr. Aysun Idil from Dünyagöz Ankara-Tunus hospital shared important information about early diagnosis and rehabilitation for low vision.

One of the first low vision specialists in Turkey, Prof. Dr. Aysun Idil: “People who cannot carry out and maintain their daily activities, studies, professional activities and even hobbies due to vision problems are called “visually impaired”. With regular eye examinations, low vision can be detected in children and even infants. If low vision rehabilitation is started at an early age, a person's vision loss can be minimized. To improve the level of vision of the visually impaired, special rehabilitation programs and technological equipment are used. Problems with visual function fall into two categories: “low vision” and “blindness”. Visual rehabilitation is aimed at improving the quality of life of a visually impaired person, as well as making him an independent, productive person who can continue his education, do his job, pursue his hobbies and enjoy the life he lives.”

Importance of infancy and childhood

Claiming that low vision rehabilitation can be performed in all age groups and for any visual impairment, Prof. Dr. Aysun Idil stated: “Loss of vision usually occurs later in life. However, it can also be seen at birth, in children and young adults. Age-related macular (yellow spot) degeneration, vision problems due to diabetes, glaucoma (eye pressure), genetic conditions (heredomacular degeneration - retinitis pigmentosa), retinal diseases, and diseases of the optic nerve are the main eye diseases that cause vision loss. Because vision is a skill acquired after birth, in infants and children, in addition to eye-related causes, brain-related causes and a combination of the two can also interfere with vision development. This age group has priority, as they are in the period of learning to see and acquire vision by appropriate methods. The use of visual rehabilitation in infants is much more effective, especially in cases related to the brain (premature birth, lack of oxygen during childbirth, cerebral hemorrhage).”

Technological equipment is used in rehabilitation programs

Prof. Dr. Aysun Idil stated that visual rehabilitation programs are prepared and applied individually, taking into account the root cause, the age of the person, his profession, what he cannot do and what he wants to do: “Rehabilitation uses assistive devices for the visually impaired (optical or non-optical), as well as methods to improve vision. The most commonly used devices are microscopic glasses, hand or standing magnifiers, telescopic systems, telescopic glasses, computer programs, digital systems, and tablets. Microperimetry, prism eccentric gaze studies, and field loss applications are the leading methods for improving vision and, in particular, improving reading ability. For the rehabilitation to be effective, education of the visually impaired person and home practices, as well as work in the clinic, are important. Support of family members is needed for in-home applications.”