
Protect Your Eyes in Winter!

5 steps to protect your eyes

Pay attention to maintaining your immunity

The body's immunity, which is reduced in cold weather, makes it easier for viruses to enter the body. Conjunctivitis, especially in the winter season, can quickly turn into an epidemic with complaints of redness, watery eyes, discomfort from light, stinging and white discharge in the eyes. For this reason, it is also important to maintain the body's immunity in terms of body and eye health during the winter months.

Don't forget to wash your hands often

Viral infections can increase the risk of visual impairment by affecting the cornea of ​​the eye. Hygiene must be the priority to prevent problems that can arise due to eye infections. Avoiding scratching your eyes if possible, avoiding constant handshaking, and most importantly, washing your hands often helps prevent infection in most cases.

Crowded and stuffy rooms cause infections

The eye is one of the organs most affected by the increasing number of diseases caused by viruses during the winter months. In particular, adenoviruses that cause colds and throat infections, hovering in airless crowded places such as schools, kindergartens, workplaces, and shopping centers, can cause conjunctivitis, which can easily turn into an epidemic.

Be careful with heaters and air conditioners running all the time

Constantly running heaters, air conditioners, and poorly ventilated offices during the winter are some of the most dangerous factors for eye health. Computers, which are widely used in such rooms, increase complaints of dry eyes. Ventilating and humidifying the environment to protect eye health and using artificial tear drops as recommended by a doctor are among the steps to take to relieve dry eye.

Don't share your makeup products

Even touching areas that people with conjunctivitis have touched can cause infection. Viral eye infections, which are associated with a high risk of infection, can develop into epidemics, in particular with the general use of cosmetics. Not only the use of personal cosmetics can pose a serious threat to eye health, but also demo and test products open to the public that people try in cosmetics departments without realizing the risk they carry.