
Pay Attention To The Discharge From The Eyes of Babies!

Experts warn that discharge from the eyes, often associated with sleep in society, can be a sign of serious eye problems and diseases in infants. Many male-to-female sexually transmitted infections and diseases can be passed from mother to child, threatening the health of the eyes and body of infants. Surgeon Dr. Tülay Kılıç from Dünyagöz Ataköy Hospital pointed out that the problem of eye discharge should not be taken lightly, especially in newborns: “Eye discharge can be caused by conjunctivitis and blocked tear ducts in infants, as well as a symptom of many diseases, in particular gonorrhea and herpes infections, that are passed from mother to child. For this reason, parents should consider issues such as eye discharge and bleeding in their children”.

This can lead to perforation of the eye after 24 hours!

Claiming that chlamydial infections and gonorrhea, which are usually transmitted sexually from man to woman, can pass to the baby in normal birth, surgeon Dr. Tülay Kılıç said: “If not intervened in the first 24 hours, in infants it can even lead to perforation of the eye. For this reason, silver nitrate is put into the eyes of infants as a protective measure as soon as they are born”.

The early diagnosis affects the success of treatment

Surgeon Dr. Tülay Kılıç stressed the need to act quickly in diagnosis and treatment: “While symptoms of gonorrhea usually appear within the first 48 hours after birth, other infections can take 5 to 7 days. With chlamydial infections and sexually transmitted infections, the duration of symptoms can be up to 10 days or even 1 month. For this reason, it is extremely important to monitor infants well and treat these congenital infections without wasting time on drops”.

Pay attention to these symptoms!

Surgeon Dr. Tülay Kılıç said that, in addition to eye discharge, under normal conditions, a child should be examined for eye diseases from birth to one year of age: “However, families should be especially careful about the following symptoms in their children:
• If there is a spot in the infant’s eye,
• If a white spot appears in the pupil,
• If the eyelid is swollen and red,
• If he experiences severe discomfort from light,
• If there is a tremor in the pupils,
• If the infant keeps the neck bent,
• If his eyes are constantly watery,
• If there is a family history of congenital cataracts,

In such cases, infants should be immediately examined by an ophthalmologist”.