
An annual eye exam can save a life

An annual eye exam can save a life

Blindness can be prevented with early and correct diagnosis.

Surgeon Dr. Hakan Sivrikaya stated the importance of early diagnosis and regular examination: “It takes at least 30 minutes to get accurate results of an eye examination. During the examination, it is also necessary to check the fundus with eye drops. If examinations carried out in this way are carried out regularly, early diagnosis and treatment of many diseases that can occur in the eyes or that can be diagnosed by the eyes will be ensured”.

Many diseases can be diagnosed by the eyes

Claiming that it is possible to diagnose both diseases that may affect vision in the future and eye diseases during an ophthalmological examination, surgeon Dr. Hakan Sivrikaya said: “An ophthalmologist is first a doctor, and then an ophthalmologist. For this reason, one can make a big contribution to the health of patients by diagnosing various disorders that can be seen during eye examinations, and then referring them to the right departments”.

Early diagnosis in an eye exam can save a life

Surgeon Dr. Hakan Sivrikaya claims that a comprehensive eye examination can diagnose cancer, diabetes, high cholesterol, thyroid tumors, high blood pressure, and many diseases that affect the immune system, as well as diseases that affect the eyes: “Many types of cancer, such like cancer of the breast, lung, prostate, blood, ovaries - you can even save the life of many patients thanks to diagnoses made during an eye examination. In addition to all these benefits, comprehensive eye examinations also prevent many diseases that can threaten our eyes, which control 85% of our perception and learning ability among our 5 senses”.


Stages of an eye examination

  1. Checking of visual acuity
  2. Checking of eyelids and eye movements
  3. Examination of the anterior segment
  4. Checking of eye pressure
  5. Examination with eye drops
  6. Examination of the fundus