Prof. Dr.
Zeynep Alkın
Göz Hastalıkları Uzmanı
Doğum Yeri ve Tarihi
- Erzincan, 1973
Bildiği Yabancı Diller
- İngilizce
Eğitim Durumu ve Tecrübe
- İstanbul Üniversitesi/İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi, 1991-1997
Vaka Deneyimi
- Aktif olarak göz hekimliği yaptığı 23 yıl süresince 10000’in üzerinde cerrahi vaka deneyimi.
Üyesi Olduğu Dernekler
- Türk Oftalmoloji Derneği (TOD)
- Türki Cumhuriyetler Oftalmoloji Derneği (TCOD)
- Tıbbi Retina Birimi (TRB)
- Vitreo-Cerrahi Retina Birimi (VCRB)
- 2010 Animal Care and Use in Research and Education C2 for Working with the Laboratory Dog-USC University of Southern California, Los Angeles-United States
- 2012 Complications in Ophthalmology Turkish Ophthalmological Society, 35th Spring Symposium, Istanbul-Turkey
- 2012 Controversies in Ophthalmology The 3rd World Congress, Istanbul-Turkey
- 2012 Surgical Retina European School for Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology, Ankara-Turkey
- 2013 Refractive Errors and Treatment Turkish Ophthalmological Society, 34th Winter Symposium, Bursa-Turkey
- 2013 Medical and Surgical Retina European School for Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology, Ankara-Turkey
- 2014 Macular Diseases Turkish Ophthalmological Society, April Course, Ankara-Turkey
- 2014 Tips and Tricks in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Eye Diseases Turkish Ophthalmological Society, 37th Spring Symposium, Istanbul-Turkey
- 2015 Advanced Retinal Education Taiwan CARE, 1st Taiwan Course of, Kaohsiung-Taiwan
- 2015 Retinal and Vitreous Surgery 114. Teaching Course with International Faculty Taiwan Retina Society, Kaohsiung-Taiwan
- 2015 Retina and Uvea Ophthalmology for Turkey, Bodrum-Turkey
- 2017 Cataract and Retina United Turkish Ophthalmological Society, 29th Summer and 14th May Symposium, Erzurum-Turkey
- 2018 Optical Coherence Tomography and Vitrectomy Istanbul Retina, 4th OCT
- Club, and Vitrectomy Club, Istanbul-Turkey