Op. Dr. Zehra Karaağaç
Op. Dr.

Zehra Karaağaç

Göz Hastalıkları Uzmanı

Bilimsel Araştırmaları

Klinik Araştırmaları

  • Refractive, Topographic, and Aberrometric Results at 2-Year Follow-Up for Accelerated Corneal Cross-Link for Progressive Keratoconus, Journal of Ophthalmology
    Ercüment Bozkurt,1 Engin Bilge Ozgurhan,1 Betul Ilkay Sezgin Akcay,2 Tugba Kurt,1 Yusuf Yildirim,1 Zehra Karaagaç Günaydin,1 and Ahmet Demirok3
  • Comparison of Accelerated Corneal Collagen Cross-linking Types for Treating Keratoconus (Yusuf Yıldırım, Onur Olcucu, Zehra Karaagac Gunaydin, Alper Ağca, Engin Bilge Ozgurhan, Cengiz Alagoz), Journal Current Eye Research
  • Post-traumatic Intraorbital Foreign Object Tangential to the Intact Globe: An Unusual Location,
    Korhan Fazil, Gamze Ozturk Karabulut, Can Ozturker, Zehra Karaagac Gunaydin, Ebru Demet Aygit, Muhittin Taskapili, Pelin Kaynak, Beyoglu Eye J 2017; 1: 38 - 40
  • Do ocular pulse amplitude and choroidal thickness change in patients with thyroid eye disease?
    G Ozturk Karabulut, K Fazil, C Ozturker, ZK Gunaydin... - Orbit, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
  • The Dilemma between the Randomized Control Trials and Real Life Practice in the Treatment of Retinal Diseases with Intravitreal anti-VEGF agents
    İ Perente, G Erdoğan, M Taşkapılı, ZK Gunaydin... - Beyoglu Eye -
  • Long-term assessment of visual and refractive outcomes of laser in situ keratomileusis for hyperopia using the AMARIS® 750S Excimer laser
    M Özveren, BK Yıldız, D Yaşa, ZK Günaydın… - Journal francais d’ …, 2019 – Elsevier