Doz. Dr. Volkan Hürmeriç
Doz. Dr.

Volkan Hürmeriç

Facharzt für Augenkrankheiten


  • 36th National Ophthalmology Congress (2002-Ankara). Second place in medical photography competition.
  • 37th National Ophthalmology Congress (2003-Istanbul). First place in medical photography competition.
  • 37th National Ophthalmology Congress (2003-Istanbul). Third place in the best research competition.
  • 40th National Ophthalmology Congress (2006-Antalya). Demir Başar Award:
  • Ocular Trauma Congress. 9th Symposium of the International Society of Ocular Trauma. Argentina-2010. Best poster award.
  • 44th National Ophthalmology Congress (2010-Antalya). TOD Publication Award - Second place:

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