Prof. Dr. Fatih Karel
Prof. Dr.

Fatih Karel

Facharzt für Augenkrankheiten
Ankara - Tunus


  • Karel F. The eye’s physiological and pathological axoplasmic flow and diagnostic methods. Ankara University School of Medicine Eye Clinic almanac. XXXV-XXXVI, 170-175, 1983.
  • Karel F. Investigations in the treatment of trachoma. Ankara University School of Medicine Almanac, XXXV – XXXVI, 176-181, 1993.
  • Günalp İ, Hasanreisoğlu B, Karel F. Use of local silicone band in retinal detachment surgery. Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology, 14:2, 117-119, 1984.
  • Günalp İ, Hasanreisoğlu B, Karel F. Treatment outcomes in retinal detachments without tear. 14:3, 207-210, 1984.
  • Turaçlı ME, Karel F. Resultats compares de differentes interventions chirugicales dans les glaucomes congenitaux. Bulletin des Societes D’ophtalmologie De France. LXXXV- 3, 321-322, 1985.
  • Günalp İ, Kaynak S, Karel F. General management of orbital tumors. Ankara University School of Medicine Eye Clinic Almanac. XXXIX, 123-131, 1986.
  • Turaçlı ME, Erkam N, Karel F. Intraocular pressure changes following strabismus surgeries. 18th Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress. (Ed. Turaçlı ME), Öztek Printing House, Ankara, 9-11, 1986.
  • Atmaca LS, Turaçlı ME, Karel F. Argon laser trabeculoplasty. Bulletin of the 19th Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress (ED. Gücükoğlu A, Soylu T). Matbaa Teknisyenleri Printing House, Istanbul, 291-297, 1986.
  • Örgen C, Atmaca LS, Karel F, Altıntaş K. A case of Phthiriasis palpebrarum. Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology, 17:2, 262-265, 1987.
  • Atmaca LS, Karel F. Nd YAG and Argon laser capsulotomy. 21st Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress. (Ed. Haznedaroğlu G et al.). Karınca Printing House, İzmir, 845-847, 1987.
  • Atmaca LS, Turaçlı ME, Karel F. Laser iridectomy in narrow-angle glaucoma. 20th Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress (Ed. Özçetin H, Ertürk H.). Uludağ University Publishing House, Bursa, 291-295, 1989.
  • Karel F. Posterior chamber lens implantation in pediatric cataract cases. 3rd Intraocular lens implantation symposium (Ed. Özçetin H, Ertürk H.) Uludağ University Publishing House, Bursa, 133-135, 1989.
  • Sinskey RM, Karel F, Dal Ri E. Management of cataracts in children. J Cataract Refractive Surgery, 15 (2);196-200, 1989.
  • Karel F, Özdemir Ö, Erkam N, Günalp İ. Outcomes of posterior chamber lens implantation in pediatric traumatic cataract cases. TOD 23rd National Congress Bulletin I (Ed. Köker ÖF et al.). Çukurova University Printing House, Adana, 103-106, 1989.
  • Turaçlı ME, Günalp İ, Erkam N, Zilelioğlu G, Karel F, Dürük K, Yılmaz M. Early and long-term follow-up outcomes in anterior chamber lenses at our clinic. TOD 23rd National Congress Bulletin II (Ed. Köker ÖF et al.). Çukurova University Printing House, Adana, 687-692, 1989.
  • Özdemir Ö, Atmaca LS, Turaçlı ME, Karel F, Kanpolat A, Zilelioğlu G, Dürük K, Batıoğlu F. Early and late outcomes in posterior chamber lens cases at our clinic. TOD 23rd National Congress Bulletin II (Ed. Köker ÖF et al.). Çukurova University Printing House, Adana, 722-726,1989.
  • Karel F. Keratoplasty surgery techniques. TOD 23rd National Congress Bulletin III (Ed. Köker ÖF et al.). Çukurova University Printing House, Adana, 1164-1170,1989.
  • Karel F, Sinskey RM, Goetz JS. Various indications in intraocular lens implantation: Monocular patients (1). Long-term vision outcomes in phacoemulsification and posterior chamber lens implantation. Ankara University School of Medicine Eye Clinic Almanac. XLI, 123-129, 1989.
  • Karel F, Sinskey RM, Goetz JS. Various indications in intraocular lens implantation: Monocular patients (2). Complications in phacoemulsification and posterior chamber lens implantation. Ankara University School of Medicine Eye Clinic Almanac, XLI, 130-135, 1989.
  • Sinskey RM, Karel F. Cataract extraction and lens implantation in patient with Fuchs’ Dystrophy. European Journal of Implant and Refractive Surgery, 1:4, 281-283, 1989.
  • Karel F, Sinskey RM, Goetz JS. Anterior chamber implantation of Shearing lenses, late outcomes and complications. Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology, 20:2, 78-80, 1990.
  • Karel F, Günalp İ. Intraocular lens implantation in retinoblastoma cases developing X-ray cataract, a preliminary study. 23rd Winter symposium manual (Ed. Özçetin H et al.). Özsan Printing House, Bursa, 59-62, 1990.
  • Karel F. Complications of intraocular lenses and types of traumatic cataract with positive prognosis in pediatric groups. Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology, 21, 91-96, 1991.
  • Eryılmaz T, Turaçlı ME, Karel F, Gorgani M. Comparison of the effects of non-selective beta-blocker (Timolol) in light- and dark-colored eyes. Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology, 21, 391-395, 1991.
  • İlker S, Karel F. Letter to the Editor, Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology, 21, 446-447, 1991.
  • Atmaca LS, Karel F. Argon laser trabeculoplasty in primary open angle glaucoma. Glaucoma, 727:209-210, 1993.
  • Tuncer K, Karel F, Öztürk F, Orhan M, Can C, Yıldırım E. Experimental scleroplasty and lamellar keratoplasty with prolonged scleral and corneal preservation in glycerin. Turkish Clinics, 2, 344, 346, 1993.
  • Karel F, Aktan G, Özmert E, Phacoemulsification outcomes of 15 cases. TOD 27th National Congress Bulletin, Marmaris. 1993.
  • Özmert E, Aktan G, Karel F, Bekir N. Vitreoretinal surgery using multifunctional instruments in the treatment of Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (PDR). TOD 27th National Congress Bulletin, Marmaris, 1993.
  • Aktan G, Özmert E, Karel F, Bekir N. Vitreoretinal surgery accompanied by intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. TOD 27th National Congress Bulletin, Marmaris, 1993.
  • Budak K, Karel F, Aktan G, Fidan O. The role of acetylcholine in the treatment of trophic corneal ulcer. T Clin Ophthalmology 3:246-248, 1994.
  • Karel F. Advantages-disadvantages, indications-contraindications in phacoemulsification. TOD 28th National Congress Bulletin. (Ed. Doğan ÖK, Aydın RÇ) 1:67-69, 1994.
  • Karel F, Günalp İ. Late outcomes of intraocular lens implantation in retinoblastoma cases developing X-ray cataract. TOD 28th National Congress Bulletin. (Ed. Doğan ÖK, Aydın RÇ). 2:567-568, 1994.
  • Uğurbaş SH, Turaçlı E, Dürük K, Karel F, Günalp İ, Erkam N, Atmaca L, Zilelioğlu G, Kanpolat A, Özmert E, Tamer C. Complications in anterior chamber lens applications. TOD 28th National Congress Bulletin. (Ed. Doğan ÖK, Aydın RÇ). 3:994-996, 1994.
  • Uğurbaş SH, Abadan S, Özdemir Ö, Zilelioğlu G, Karel F, Erkam N, Dürük K. Keratoplasty in acute corneal infections. MN Ophthalmology. 2:1, 90-92, 1995.
  • Çakar P, Karel F. Scleral preservation and areas of use. Ankara University School of Medicine Eye Clinic Almanac. (Ed. Turaçlı E.) 46:85-88; 1995.
  • Şimşek T, Karel F. Corneal refractive surgery. Ankara University School of Medicine Eye Clinic Almanac. (Ed.Turaçlı E.). 46:89-93, 1995.
  • Kavaklı S, Karel F. Congenital lens anomalies. T. Clin. Ophthalmology 5:60-67, 1996.
  • Turaçlı ME, Karel F, Bardak Y. Effect of carbachol and acetylcholine on intraocular pressure following cataract surgery. Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology XXVI:1, 48-49, 1996.
  • Karel F, Yalçın E. Complications of intraocular lens implantation in patients with congenital and developmental cataract: A comparison between less than 3 years and more than 3 years. T. Clin. Ophthalmology 5:258-561, 1996.
  • Karel F, Turaçlı ME, Bardak Y. Early outcomes with phacotrabeculectomy and intraocular lens implantation. T. Clin. Ophthalmology 5:352-367, 1996.
  • Karel F, Işıkçelik Y, Takmaz T. Lens metabolism and cataract formation mechanisms. T. Clin. Ophthalmology 6:50-56, 1997.
  • Karel F, Yalçın E, Bardak Y. Our phacoemulsification outcomes. T. Clin. Ophthalmology 6:165-169, 1997.
  • Karel F, Yalçın E, Karaaslan A, Tekeli A. Shigella Keratiti. T. Clin. Ophthalmology 6:196-198, 1997.
  • Ateş Y, Karel F, Tüzüner F, Bayramlı E. Effects of endotracheal intubation and laryngeal mask insertion on hemodynamics and oxygenation in congenital cataract surgery. MN Ophthalmology. 4:320-323, 1997.
  • Çakar MP, Özdemir Ö, Şenbil O, Karel F. Intraocular contamination in extracapsular cataract surgery. MN Ophthalmology. 4:368-374, 1997.
  • Turaçlı ME, Karel F, Doğan Ş. Small incision Trabeculotomy Combined With Phaco emulsification. 27th International Congress of Ophthalmology Amsterdam, Holland 21-26 June 1998 (Abstract).
  • Özdemir G, Karel F. Congenital cataracts. T. Clin. Ophthalmology 8:139-142, 1998.
  • Çekiç O, Bardak Y, Totan Y, Kavaklı S, Akyol O, Ozdemir Ö, Karel F. Nickel, chromium, manganese, iron and aluminum levels in human cataractous and normal lenses. Ophthalmic Res. 1999; 31 (5) 332-6.
  • Karel F, Turaçlı ME, Arslanpençe A, Atilla H. Doğan S. Our phacoemulsification and memory lens applications. T. Clin. Ophthalmology 8:52-55, 1999.
  • Turaçlı ME, Karel F, Doğan S. Combined trabeculotomy-phacoemulsification and PMMA Intraocular lens implantation. T. Clin. Ophthalmology 3:210-214, 1999.
  • Oral D, Turaçlı ME, Karel F, Doğan S. The effect of Cataract surgery and combined surgery on cornea. Contactologia European Contact lens and ocular Surface Journal Antalya Turkey 3rd 4th quarter 2000 (Abstract).
  • Tekeli O, Karel F, Zilelioğlu G, Turaçlı ME. The evaluation of postoperative visual acuity by flash visual evoked potential in patient with cataract who underwent phacoemulsification surgery. XIII. Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology Istanbul Turkey 3-7 June 2001 pp 234 (Abstract).
  • Turaçlı ME, Özcan H, Tekeli O, Aytar S, Doğan S, Karel F. The long-term effect of dorzolamide on the ocular blood flow and visual fields in normal tension glaucoma. 29th International Congress of ophthalmology. Sydney 22-25 April 2002 p:314 (Abstract).
  • Turaçlı ME, Karel F, Can B. et al. Electron Microscopy of the lens epithelium and cortex in patients with glaucoma and cataract.29th International congress of ophthalmology. Sydney 22-25 April 2002 p:314 (Abstract).
  • Turaçlı ME, Karel F, Can B. et al. Electron Microscopy of the lens in patients with glaucoma and cataract. 4th International Glaucoma Symposium – IGS 19-22 March 2003 Barcelona Spain (Abstract).
  • Tekeli O, Turaçlı ME, Karel F, Erdoğan F, Dürük K, Özmen S. Correlation of Heidelberg retinal tomography and scanning laser polarimetry with pattern electroretinogram in ocular hypertension. 4th International Glaucoma Symposium – IGS 19-22 March 2003 Barcelona Spain (Abstract).
  • Deniz H, Turaçlı ME, Tekeli O, Gül H, Gündüz K, Karel F, Dürük K. Transscleral diode laser cyclophotocoagulation in refractory glaucoma. 4th International Glaucoma Symposium – IGS 19-22 March 2003 Barcelona Spain (Abstract).
  • Tekeli O, Karel F, Zilelioğlu G, Turaçlı ME, Elhan AH. The evaluation of postoperative visual acuity by flash visual evoked potential in patients with cataract who underwent phacoemulsification surgery. MN Ophthalmology Volume 9 p. 119-121, 2002.
  • Turaçlı ME, Karel F, Can B, Tekeli O, Sabuncuoğlu B, Tekelioğlu M, Dürük S, Doğan S. Electron microscopy of the lens epithelium and cortex in patients with glaucoma and cataract. MN Ophthalmology Volume 9 p. 337-340, 2002.
  • Turaçlı ME, Özcan H, Tekeli O, Aytaç S, Doğan S, Karel F. The effect of dorzolamide on the ocular blood flow and visual field in normal tension glaucoma. Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology XXXIII 524-529 2003.
  • Örnek K, Karel F, Büyükbingöl Z. May nitric oxide molecule have a role in the pathogenesis of human cataract? Exp. Eye Res. 78, 23 2003
  • Atilla H, Tekeli O, Can B, Karel F, Saran Y. Effects of intracameral lidocaine on ocular tissues. Clin. Experiment Ophthalmol. 31, 73-77 2003.
  • Turaçlı ME, Tekeli O, Göl H, Gündüz AK, Karel F. Dürük K. Transscleral diode laser cyclophotocoagulation in refractory glaucoma. Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology XXXIV (1), 31-35, 2004.
  • Uçakhan O, Karel F, Kanpolat A, Devrim E, Durak İ. Superoxide dismutase activity in the lens capsule of patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome and cataract. J cataract Refract Surg 32:618, 2006.
  • Parmak N, Karel F. Effect of the temperature of the irrigation fluid used in phacoemulsification on corneal endothelium. Glaucoma-Cataract. 1:245-250, 2006.
  • Muftuoğlu O, Hoşal B, Karel F, Zilelioğlu G. Drug-Induced intraocular lens movement and near visual acuity after AcrySof intraocular lens implantation. J cataract Refract Surg 3: 1298, 2005.
  • Müftüoğlu O, Karel F, Duman R. Effect of a yellow intraocular lens on scotopic vision, glare disability and blue color perception. J Cat Refract Surgery 33:658, 2007.
  • Muftuoğlu O, Karel F. Investigation of the scotopic contrast sensitivity and mesopic contrast sensitivity with glare of pseudophakic eyes and phakic eyes. TJO 38, 2: 110-115, 2008.
  • Tekeli O, Turaçlı ME, Tekeli A, Karel F, Özsan M. Investigation of the relation between pseudoexfoliation and the Herpes simplex virus. Glaucoma - Cataract 3, 4:252-254, 2008.

