Ocular Prosthesis
Indicated for people whose eyes have been removed, ocular prostheses can be custom-made in different colors and sizes.
Ocular prostheses are an esthetic solution which is preferred for irreversible loss of vision and serious esthetic damage occurring as a result of serious traumatic injuries, usually due to traffic accidents or foreign bodies entering the eyes. Ocular prostheses can be used at any age. They can be implanted with the doctor’s decision 3-4 weeks after the patient’s eye is removed.
Prostheses are completely customized for the patient and are designed to look and feel comfortable, esthetic and natural while causing no stinging, burning, redness in the eye or pain in the eyelid.
Ocular prostheses are made of acrylic, a very light material of high quality. This material is both compatible with the human body and unbreakable. With these aspects, it offers many advantages to the patient. Using orbital implants after enucleation or evisceration surgery enhances the movement of the prosthesis.
Wearing ocular prostheses, a person can;
- Engage in sports activities
- Take a bath/shower
- Sleep
- Swim
Prepared by the Dünyagöz Hospital Editorial Board.
*The content of this page is for informational purposes only. See your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
Last Update Date: 05.08.2021