
Lazy Eye Diagnosis

Lazy Eye Syndrome Diagnosis

How is lazy eye syndrome diagnosed?

Lazy eye syndrome cannot be identified by parents. In particular, amblyopia with no misalignment due to a refractive error may not be noticed by parents. It can only be identified by a doctor during a detailed eye examination.

At what ages is lazy eye syndrome seen?

The visual function can be completely normalized in children whose treatment started before the age of 7 years. If the causes of lazy eye syndrome and eye problems are identified and treated early, the development of lazy eye syndrome can be prevented. It is possible to get the best response to the treatment of lazy eye syndrome until the age of 4-5. For this reason, even if there is no problem, annual routine eye examinations should be performed starting from infancy until the school period.

Prepared by the Dünyagöz Hospital Editorial Board.

*The content of this page is for informational purposes only. See your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Last Update Date: 05.02.2023

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