Prof. Dr. Yavuz Kamil Bardak
Prof. Dr.

Yavuz Kamil Bardak

Facharzt für Augenkrankheiten


American Medical Board Exam (1992) (ECFMG = USMLE) (preclinic 83, clinical 83, TOEFL 570)
Best paper award. (28th National Congress of TOD, Antalya, 1994.)
(Diabetic rat lenses, calcium, magnesium, iron values ​​and verapamil effect on them.)
Dutch State Education and Research Scholarship (1996-1997)The Troutman Award and the $ 5000 cash prize. (1999)
Troutman award (due to the work named çalış Treatment of Hyperopia with Contact Ho: YAG Laser Thermal Keratoplasty (); ‘Microsurgical Research Foundation ive and Society The International Society of Refractive Surgery Foundation. is published every year for best research published in the field of refractive surgery.
Prof.Dr.Demir Başar Award and $ 1000 prize money. (2000)
(A Effect of melatonin against oxidative stress in ultraviolet-B exposed rat lens. Başar) Istanbul Medical Faculty Foundation AROSay donation, Demir Başar award is given to the best study published by Turkish Ophthalmology Association every 2 years. .
 The second best poster award.
 (European Vitreo-retinal Society Istanbul, 2004) (Comparison of triamcinolone acetonide assisted posterior vitreous removal and ILM peeling in diabetic patients.)
 Best poster award.
Star Elvin, Bardak Hatun Handan, Gunay Murat, Bardak Yavuz Kamil, Imamoglu Serhat, Ozbas Halil, Bagci Ozkan. Novel zinc finger protein gene 469 (ZNF 469) with mutations in advance keratoconus m ’’ advance erat advance ations in Z 9 gene in ations ations ations mut mut mut mut mut mut mut zinc
Third best oral presentation award
Bardak Hatun Handan, Uğuz Abdülhadi Cihangir, Bardak Yavuz Kamil, Nazıroğlu Mustafa, Övey İshak Suat. Tr Chann Curcumin inhibits apoptosis cium intra ‘re re od od od od od od od re re re re re re re ating ating ating ating ating ating ating ating Isparta, Turkey, 3rd best oral presentation award at 2016 en Congress.