Prof. Dr. Ümit Aykan
Prof. Dr.

Ümit Aykan

Facharzt für Augenkrankheiten


Scientific Awards 

  • Aykan Ü. “Acute Improvement of Optic Disk Cupping with Medical Treatment in a Case of Advanced Glaucoma’’, 4th Symposium of Glaucoma Cases, 13-15 June 2008, Bodrum. Best Presentation Award (Second).
  • Aykan Ü. “Combined LASER Peripheral Iridotomy (LPI) and Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty’’, 5th Symposium of Glaucoma Cases, 29-31 May 2009, Bodrum. Best Presentation Award (Second).
  • Aykan Ü. “Ocular Hypertension Associated with Pigmentary Dispersion Syndrome Due to Bilateral Extensive Iridociliary Cysts’’, 6th Symposium of Glaucoma Cases, 29 May 2010, Antalya. Best Presentation Award (First).
  • Salcan İ, Aykan U, Çolakoğlu K, Aydın A, Erşanlı D. “Quantitative values for anterior chamber angle determined with ultrasound biomicroscopy in healthy young male population”, Chief Author: Ümit AYKAN, MD, Assoc. Prof. 45th TOD National Congress, 5-9 October 2011, Cyprus. The Best Article Award by the Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology (Second Place).
  • Salcan İ, Aykan Ü, Yılmaz B. "Evaluation of Changes in Anterior Segment Configuration by Ultrasound Biomicroscopy after Phacoemulsification and Foldable Intraocular Lens Implantation”, Chief Author: Ümit AYKAN, MD, Assoc. Prof.
  • TOD Ophthalmology Course 2013, 29-31 March 2013, ATO International Convention and Exhibition Center, Ankara. The Best Article Award by the Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology (First Place).