Doz. Dr. Sertaş Öztürk
Doz. Dr.

Sertaş Öztürk

Facharzt für Augenkrankheiten



Number of international publications and papers

  • Ozturk S., Konuk O., Ilgit E.T., Unal M., Erdem O., “Outcome of patients with nasolacrimal polyurethane stent implantation: do they keep tearing?” Ophthal. Plast. Reconstr. Surg., Mar; 20(2):130–5. (2004)
  • Cagil N., Aydin B., Ozturk S., Hasiripi H., “Effectiveness of laser-assisted subepithelial keratectomy to treat residual refractive errors after laser in situ keratomileusis”, J. Cataract Refract. Surg. Apr; 33(4):642-7. (2007)
  • Urgancioglu B., Bilgihan K., Ozturk S., “Higher-order aberrations and visual acuity after LASEK”, Int Ophthalmol. 2008 Aug; 28(4):269-73.
  • Ozdek S, Urgancioglu B, Ozturk S. Recurrent endogenous Candida. Ann Ophthalmol (Skokie). 2009 Summer; 41(2):118-20.
  • Bilgihan K, Hondur A, Sul S, Ozturk S. Pregnancy-induced progression of keratoconus. Cornea. 2011 Sep; 30(9):991-4.
  • S. Öztürk, Ş.C.Özdek, G. Gürelik, H. Akbatur, F. Akata, B. Hasanreisoğlu, “Individualized approach to the management of Retinal Detachments In Eyes with Choroidal Coloboma ”, 13th Congress Of The European Socıety Of Ophthalmology, 404, Istanbul, 2001.
  • S. Ozdogan, Y. Deren, S. Ozturk, B. Hasanreisoglu, Kamil Bilgihan, “Long term effects of PRK on human cornea using confocal microscopy: A clinical study with 10 years postoperative follow-up”, 23rd Congress of the ESCRS, 84, Lisbon, 2005.
  • Ozturk S., “Corneal confocal microscopic findings and biomechanics”, International Refractıve Surgery ISRS/AAO Meeting, 31, Istanbul, 2006.
  • Cagıl N., Aydın B., Ozturk S., Hasıripi H., “Laser epithelial keratomileusis for treatment of residual refractive errors after LASIK”, International Refractive Surgery ISRS/AAO Meeting, 78, Istanbul, 2006.
  • Ozturk S., Urgancıoğlu B., Bilgihan K., “Higher order aberrations in eyes with supranormal vision after excimer laser surgery”, International Refractive Surgery ISRS/AAO Meeting, 84-85, Istanbul, 2006.
  • C. Akarsu, S. Ozturk, M.E.Turaclı, “Effects of Pupillary Dilatation on Polarimetric Nerve Fiber Analysis”, 6th International Glaucoma Symposium, Athens, 2007.
  • S. Ozturk, A. Sengun, M.E. Turacli, M. Emir. “Bilateral steep central island after LASEK associated with masked glaucoma; resolved through antiglaucomatous therapy”, The 12th ESCRS Winter Refractive Surgery Meeting, Barcelona, 2008.
  • S. Ozturk, A. Sengun, M.E. Turacli, “Can dynamic contour tonometry detect corneal biomechanical deficiency?” The 12th ESCRS Winter Refractive Surgery Meeting Barcelona, 2008.
  • S. Ozturk, A. Sengun, M.E. Turacli, M. Emir. “Which intraocular pressure measurement device should be preferred after high dioptric myopic laser epithelial keratomileusis surgery?” The 14th ESCRS Winter Meeting, Budapest, 2010.
  • S. Ozturk, A. Sengun, E. Dirican, M.E. Turacli, K. Bilgihan. Claw-shaped Patterns on Corneal Topography, evaluation with Scheimpflug imaging. 28th Congress of the ESCRS, Paris, 2010.
  • S. Ozturk, A. Sengun, E. Dirican, M.E. Turacli, K. Bilgihan. Analysis of elevation maps in keratoconus; importance of posterior best fit sphere values. 28th Congress of the ESCRS, Paris, 2010.
  • S. Ozturk, A. Sengun, M.E. Turacli, Keratoconic Protrusion Start from the Posterior Corneal Surface? 29th Congress of the ESCRS, Vienna, 2011.
  • S. Ozturk, K. Bilgihan, A. Sengun, M.E. Turacli Correlation of Corneal Topographic Parameters in Keratoconus, 29th Congress of the ESCRS, Vienna, 2011.
  • S. Ozturk, E. Dirican, A. Sengun, M.E. Turacli, The effect of phacoemulsification surgery on central corneal asphericity, The 15th ESCRS Winter Meeting, Istanbul, 2011.

National publications and papers

  • O. Konuk, Ş. Özdek, G. Görelik, S. Öztürk, M. Ünal, B. Hasanreisoğlu, “Ocular and orbital toxicity developing after cisplatin therapy administered in temporal artery”, Retina-Vitreus, 30–35, (2002).
  • Ş.C. Özdek, G. Gürelik, S. Öztürk, H. Akbatur, F. Akata, B. Hasanreisoğlu, “Management Of Retinal Detachments In Eyes With Choroidal Coloboma”, Gazi Medical Journal, 51–56, (2003).
  • A. Şengün, S. Öztürk, S. Özmen, M. E.Turaçlı. Rare Congenital Retinal Vascular Anomalies, Retina-Vitreus, 18; 3, 188-196 (2010).
  • S. Öztürk. Allergic Dermatoconjunctivitis. Turkish Clinics Ophthalmology Journal, Special Issue on Allergies, 2012; 5(3):28-34.
  • Öztürk S., Ilgıt E.T., Ünal M., Hasanreisoğlu B., “Polyurethane stent implantation for the treatment of nasolacrimal obstruction”, TOD 35th National Ophthalmology Congress, 54, İzmir, 2001.
  • Öztürk S., Ilgıt E.T., Konuk O., Ünal M., Hasanreisoğlu B., “Polyurethane stent implantation for the treatment of nasolacrimal obstruction: Could it be an alternative to DSR?” TOD 36th National Ophthalmology Congress, 94, Ankara, 2002.
  • Özdoğan S., Öztürk S., T. Deren Y., Hasanreisoğlu B., Bilgihan K., “Keratocyte Density and Confocal Microscopy in Keratoconus”, TOD 39th National Ophthalmology Congress, 112, Antalya, 2005.
  • Urgancıoğlu B., Öztürk S., Hondur A., Hasanreisoğlu B., Bilgihan K., “Higher Order Aberrations in Eyes with Supranormal Vision After LASEK and LASIK”, TOD 39th National Ophthalmology Congress, 119, Antalya, 2005.
  • Öztürk S., Özdoğan S., Deren KY., Hasanreisoğlu B., Bilgihan K., “Etiological and Morphological Study of Corneal Ectasia Following LASIK; Confocal Microscopic Findings”, TOD 39th National Ophthalmology Congress, 119, Antalya, 2005.
  • Aksoy S., Öztürk S., Özdoğan S., Urgancıoğlu B., Hasanreisoğlu B., Bilgihan K., “Evaluation of the Subepithelial Nerve Plexus in Central Cornea After LASIK”, TOD 39th National Ophthalmology Congress, 121, Antalya, 2005.
  • Aydın B., Öztürk S., Çağıl N., Yıldırım T., Hasıripi H., “A Case of Adenoviral Keratitis After LASIK”, TOD 39th National Ophthalmology Congress, 228, Antalya, 2005.
  • Hondur A., Öztürk S., Urgancıoğlu B., Aksoy S., Hasanreisoğlu B., Bilgihan K., “Is the Duration of Alcohol Administration Significant in Laser Subepithelial Keratomileusis?” TOD 39th National Ophthalmology Congress, 255-256, Antalya, 2005.
  • Öztürk S., Aydın B., Yıldırım T., Cağıl N., Hasıripi H., “Severe Inflammation of the Anterior Chamber Following Lasek”, TOD 39th National Ophthalmology Congress, 271, Antalya, 2005.
  • Akarsu C., Öztürk S., Demirbaş E., “The Effect of Pupillary Dilation on Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness Measurement”, TOD 40th National Ophthalmology Congress, 219, Antalya, 2006.
  • Öztürk S., Akarsu C., Özdoğan S., Bilgihan K., “Bilateral stromal folding and development of horizontal Vogt’s striae in the ectatic and normal eye in a patient with unilateral keratoconus”, TOD 40th National Ophthalmology Congress, 239, Antalya, 2006.
  • Öztürk S., Akarsu C., Gülru E.F., Özdoğan S., Bilgihan K., “Ocular Rosacea and Development of Band Keratopathy”, TOD 40th National Ophthalmology Congress, 241, Antalya, 2006.
  • Akarsu Cengiz, Öztürk Sertaç, Özmen Serkan, Turaçlı M. Erol, “The Effect of Contact Lenses on Dynamic Contour Tonometry, Tono-Pen and Non-Contact Pneumotonometry Measurements”, TOD 41st National Ophthalmology Congress, 65, Antalya, 2007.
  • Öztürk Sertaç, Akarsu Cengiz, Turaçlı M. Erol, Özmen Serkan, “Intraocular pressure measurement in corneal ectasia: comparison of different methods”, TOD 41st National Ophthalmology Congress, 86, Antalya, 2007.
  • Turaçlı M. Erol, Öztürk Sertaç, Akarsu Cengiz, Özmen Serkan, “Comparison of Different Methods in Intraocular Pressure Measurement”, TOD 41st National Ophthalmology Congress, 152, Antalya, 2007.
  • Akarsu Cengiz, Öztürk Sertaç, Çakmak Yasin, Turaçlı M. Erol, Özmen Serkan, “Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness Measurement in Strabismus-Related Amblyopia”, TOD 41st National Ophthalmology Congress, 171, Antalya, 2007.
  • Özmen Serkan, Öztürk Sertaç, Akarsu Cengiz, Turaçlı M. Erol, “Sudden Loss of Vision in a Patient with HELLP Syndrome”, TOD 41st National Ophthalmology Congress, 237, Antalya, 2007.
  • Özmen Serkan, Akarsu Cengiz, Ergür Ayça Törel, Öztürk Sertaç, Turaçlı M. Erol, “Ocular Findings in Obese Patients”, TOD 41st National Ophthalmology Congress, 326, Antalya, 2007.
  • Öztürk Sertaç, Akarsu Cengiz, Özmen Serkan, Turaçlı M. Erol, Abdulgani Ahmed, “Higher-order aberrations and corneal topography in spasm of accommodation”, TOD 41st National Ophthalmology Congress, 327, Antalya, 2007.
  • Turaçlı M. Erol, Öztürk Sertaç, Şengün Ahmet, Emir Murat, Özmen Serkan, “Intraocular pressure measurements in eyes undergoing high-diopter LASEK surgery,” TOD 42nd National Ophthalmology Congress, 74, Antalya, 2008.
  • Öztürk Sertaç, Şengün Ahmet, Turaçlı M. Erol, “Analysis of elevation heights in corneal ectasia: Coning of the cornea starts from the posterior?”, TOD 42nd National Ophthalmology Congress, 122, Antalya, 2008.
  • Turaçlı M. Erol, Öztürk Sertaç, Şengün Ahmet, Esra Tanrıverdi, “Comparison of Different Tonometric Methods in Intraocular Pressure Values”, TOD 43rd National Ophthalmology Congress, 250, Antalya, 2009.
  • Sertaç Öztürk, Ahmet Şengün, M. Erol Turaçlı, Emrah Dirican, "Elevation Maps in Keratoconus; the Significance of Posterior Optimal Spheric Values”, TOD 44th National Ophthalmology Congress, 250, Antalya, 2010.
  • Sertaç Öztürk, Ahmet Şengün, M. Erol Turaçlı, "Elevation Map Findings in Keratoconus Cases with Pellucid Marginal Degeneration and Similar Topography”, TOD 44th National Ophthalmology Congress, Antalya, 2010.
  • Sertaç Öztürk, Burcu Nurözler, Ahmet Şengün, M. Erol Turaçlı, "A Patient with Recurrent Keratoconus on Graft and Unilateral Crocodile Shagreen Degeneration after Penetrating Keratoplasty”, TOD 46th National Ophthalmology Congress, Antalya, 2012.
  • Sertaç Öztürk, Kenan Dağdelen, Ahmet Şengün, Mustafa Erol Turaçlı "A patient with double lacrimal puncta”, TOD 47th National Ophthalmology Congress, Antalya, 2013.