- The use of phacofragmentation in subjects with a crystalline lens dislocated into the vitreous cavity
- Surgical interventions in subjects with inferior oblique hyperfunction accompanied by horizontal deviation
- A subject with concomitant Duane’s retraction syndrome, Goldenhar syndrome and Chiari malformation
- The effects of different surgical methods used in surgeries for retinal detachment with tear on postoperative success rates
- Factors affecting success in DSR surgeries
- Surgical treatment of retinoschisis accompanied by retinal detachment
- Pars plana vitrectomy in intraocular lens dislocations
- Electric cataract
- Topographic characteristics of the cornea in eyes with blepharoptosis
- Corneal topography in blepharoptosis patients and long term effects of ptosis repair. Comparison of different staining techniques of internal limiting membrane in macular hole surgery
- Congenital cataract extraction limbal versus pars plana approach
- The effect of vascularization pattern of porous orbital implants on the development of exposure
- A case of bilateral Duane’s retraction syndrome associated with partial callosal agenesis and Goldenhar syndrome
- Surgical outcome in unilateral superior oblique palsy
- Combined Pharmacological and optical penalization in the treatment of anisometropic and strabismic amblyopia
- Our surgical results in inferior oblique muscle hyperfunction
- Primary vitrectomy in retinal detachment developing after cataract surgery
- Pars plana vitrectomy in postoperative endophtalmitis
- Techniques used in diabetic tractional retinal detachment surgeries and their results
- Risk of PVR development
- after retinal detachment surgeries
- Early and late intraoperative and postoperative complications in diabetic tractional retinal detachment surgery
- Early postoperative complications following pars plana vitrectomy
- Pars plana vitrectomy and silicone oil use in proliferative diabetic retinopathy Pars plana vitrectomy in lens or intraocular lens dislocations and What is glaucoma?

Op. Dr.
Semra Hoca
Facharzt für Augenkrankheiten