Doz. Dr. Mustafa Aksoy
Doz. Dr.

Mustafa Aksoy

Facharzt für Augenkrankheiten

National and International Publications

National Publications:

  • Güngör SG,Aksoy M, Akman A. Mitomisin-C’li Trabekülektomi Sonrası Bilateral Geç           Başlangıçlı Filtran Bleb Sızdırması. Glokom-Katarakt Dergisi 2013;8: 274-277.7

National Publications:

  • Aksoy M, Asena L, Güngör SG, Küçüködük A, Akman A. Comparison of refractive outcomes using Scheimpflug Holladay equivalent keratometry or IOLMaster 700 keratometry for IOL power calculation. International Ophthalmology, Mar 2021
  • Aksoy M. Simsek M., Apaydin M. Choroidal vascularity index in patients with type-1 diabetes mellitus without diabetic retinopathy. Current Eye Research, Oct 2020
  • Aksoy M., Asena L., Gungor S., Soy E, Akman A., Haberal M. Changes in ocular biometric parameters after renal transplantation. International Ophthalmology. May 2020
  • Aksoy M., Yilmaz G., Vardarli I., Akkoyun I. Choroidal Thickness after Dexamethasone implant or Aflibercept in Patients with Diabetic Macular Edema Persistent to Ranibizumab. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics. May 2020
  • Sarıgül Sezenöz A, Gür Güngör S, Akman A, Öztürk C, Cezairlioğlu Ş, Aksoy M, Çolak M. The Diagnostic Ability of Ganglion Cell Complex Thickness-to-Total Retinal Thickness Ratio in Glaucoma in a Caucasian Population. Turkish Journal Ophthalmology. 2020;50:26-30
  • Onder H, Aksoy M. Resolution of idiopathic intracranial hypertension symptoms by surgery for obstructive sleep apnea in a pediatric patient. Journal Pediatric Neuroscience 2019;14:110-2
  • Gür SG, Akman A, Asena L, Aksoy M, Sezenöz A. ;Changes in Anterior Chamber Depth after Phacoemulsification in Pseudoexfoliative Eyes and their Effect on Accuracy of Intraocular Lens Power Calculation. Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology, 2016; 46(6):255-258.


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