National Publications:
- Cevher S. Şahinoğlu NK, Çubuk,M Helvaci S, Kiziloğlu M. Kedi Tırmığı Nöroretiniti. Retina Vitreus /Journal of Oftalmologia, 2017, 76:4 186-189
International Publications:
- Cubuk M,Kasım B, Koçluk Y, Sukgen EA. Effects of age and gender on macular thickness in healthy subject using spectral optical coherence tomography/scanning laser ophthalmoscopy. Int Ophthalmol. 2018; 38: 127-131
- Cubuk M Sahinoglu-Keskek N, Keskek SO. Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in a healthy Turkish population measured by optical coherence tomography. AnnSaudi Med. 2016; 36: 409-413.
- Cevher S, Koçluk Y, Çetinkaya S, Ünal F, Çubuk M. Sort- term effect of Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy on refraction, central macular thickness and retinal nerve ber layer thickness. Revista Brasileira de Oftalmologia, 2017, 76.4: 186-189
- Çetinkaya, S., & Çubuk, M. Worldwide Medicine,2019; 1(1): 11-14
- Kocluk, Çubuk M, Sukgen EA, Ünal N, Cevher S. (2016). Early Therapeutic Pnetrating Keratoplasty for Fungal Keratitis. Journal of Immunology Microbiology, 1(1), 18-21.