Op. Dr.
Hakan Eren
Facharzt für Augenkrankheiten
Place and Date of Birth
- Artvin, 1963
Language Skills
- English
Education and Experience
- 1986 Ankara University, School of Medicine
- 1990 Beyoğlu Hospital (Specialization)
- 2001 Beyoğlu Eye Training and Research Hospital (Assistant Chief)
Case Experience
- 26 years of active service as an ophthalmologist
- AAO American Academy of Ophthalmology (inactive)
- ESCRS European Society Cataract Refractive Surgery (inactive)
- TMA Turkish Medical Association (active)
- TOD Turkish Society of Ophthalmology (active)
- TOD Cataract and Refractive Surgery Unit, active membership (active)
- TCOD Turkish Republics Ophthalmology Society (active)
- BHKD Beyoğlu Hospital Development Society (active)