- Our Results of Ranibizumab Monotherapy in Wet Senile Macular Degeneration, 2010 (Poster, TOD 44th National Ophthalmology Congress)
- Efficacy of subconjunctival bevacizumab in patients with corneal neovascularization, 2011 (Poster, TOD 45th National Ophthalmology Congress)
- Pupillary block glaucoma secondary to Nd:Yag laser capsulotomy, 2011 (Poster, TOD 45th National Ophthalmology Congress)
- Scleritis in a case with Sweet’s syndrome, 2011 (Poster, TOD 45th National Ophthalmology Congress)

Op. Dr.
Feride Pınar Doğru
Facharzt für Augenkrankheiten