Op. Dr. Erkan Ekşioğlu
Op. Dr.

Erkan Ekşioğlu

Facharzt für Augenkrankheiten


International Publications:  

  • Refractive effect of trans-scleral fixation of IOL. Talu H, Karabaş L, Yüksel N, Çağlar Y, Şeref Ü, Ekşioğlu E (Mediterranean Ophthalmology Society TVNV Congress)


National Publications:  

  • A Domestic Vitrectomy System Developed –JA Ekşioğlu M, Ovalı T, Ekşioğlu E, Çağlar Y (TOD 30th National Congress)
  • The effect of using postoperative mydriatic drugs after cataract surgeries and the type of anterior capsulotomy on pupillary shape. Karabaş L, Ekşioğlu E, (TOD 31st National Congress)
  • The effect of short-term intravitreal perfluoro -1,3 Dimethylcyclohexane on the rabbit retina. Ekşioğlu E, Ekşioğlu M, (TOD 31st National Congress)
  • Experimental experience with the first domestic posterior segment vitrectomy system. (Ekşioğlu M,Ovalı T, Eksioğlu E)
  • Sudden intraocular pressure increases after panretinal photocoagulation and Apraclonidine prophylaxis. (Ekşioğlu E,Altıntas Ö, Elçioğlu M) (TOD 32nd National Congress)

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