Op. Dr. Adnan Polat
Op. Dr.

Adnan Polat

Facharzt für Augenkrankheiten


National Publications: 

  • Articles Published in National Peer-Reviewed Journals and Presented at Scientific Congresses:
  • Polat A: A good fundus biomicroscopy and detection of the retinal tear.T. J. Ophthalmol. 15, 73, 1985.
  • Polat A: Our contact lens applications. T. J. Ophthalmol. 15, 183, 1985.
  • Polat A: Low vision aid lenses. T. J. Ophthalmol. 15, 202, 1985.
  • Polat A, Uzgören E: A case of expulsive hemorrhage. T. J. Ophthalmol. 15, 232, 1985.
  • Polat A: A case of combined keratoplasty and lens extraction. T. J. Ophthalmol. 16, 287, 1986.
  • Polat A: Results of the glaucoma surgeries conducted at our clinic. T. J. Ophthalmol. 16, 298, 1986.
  • Polat A, Tümen B, Yavuz N: Concomitant use of temporalis muscle flap and free skin grafts for large soft and bone tissue defects in the orbital region. T. J. Ophthalmol. 17, 226, 1987.
  • Polat A: The use of diamond-end cutter in passing the bone in dacryocystorhinostomy. T. J. Ophthalmol. 17, 278, 1987.
  • Polat A., Kılıç H: Results of the use of local soft contact lenses. T. J. Ophthalmol. 17, 273, 1987.
  • Polat A: Current developments in small-incision manual ECCE+IOL implantation and useful tips in learning the technique. T Clin Ophthalmology 1999; 8: 295.
  • Polat A: Understanding fluid dynamics in the mini-nuc technique. MN Ophthalmology; 4:399, 1999.
  • Polat A: How can we begin the mini-nuc: Convertible mini-nuc technique. T Clin Ophthalmology 2001; 10:175-177.
  • Polat A: Controlling surgery-related astigmatism in the mini-nuc technique. MN Ophthalmology 2003; 10:4-7. Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in proceedings:
  • Örgen C., Erkam N., Doğan ÖK, Polat A: Pars plana vitrectomy and its results. Özçetin H., Sarıçoğlu A. (Eds): 15th Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress (1981). p. 141, Bursa: Uludağ University Publishing House, 1983.
  • Polat A, Kaynak S., Çıngıl G: The role of cytomegaloviruses (CMV) in postoperative late aseptic endophthalmitis. Özçetin H., Ertürk H. (Eds): 20th Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress (1986). p. 415, Bursa: Uludağ University Publishing House, 1989.
  • Polat A: Our results with flexible anterior chamber lenses. Özçetin H., Gelişken Ö. (Eds): 11th Winter Symposium (Cataracts and Their Treatment) Bulletin. p. 90, Bursa: Uludağ University Publishing House, 1988.
  • Polat A, Uzgören E: The incidence of eyelid lesions in and around Balıkesir and comparison of benign and malignant lesions. Haznedaroğlu G., Andaç K., Erbakan G. et al. (Eds): 21st Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress (1987) Volume 2. p. 1045, İzmir: Karınca Matbaacılık, 1988.
  • Polat A: 40 cases undergoing planned extracapsular lens extraction and results compared with intracapsular lens extraction.21st Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin. 723-730, 1987 Haznedaroğlu G., Andaç K., Erbakan G. et al. (Eds): 21st Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress (1987), Volume 2. p. 723, İzmir: Karınca Matbaacılık. 1988.
  • Polat A: Controlling astigmatism in small incision, sutureless cataract surgery performed via sclerocorneal tunnel.TOD 35th National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin 110, İzmir, 2001.
  • Polat A.: Eğrilmez S: Vector analysis: Superotemporal quadrant approach in the mini-nuc technique.TOD 37th National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin 83, 2003.
  • Polat A: Refractive cataract surgery: Our results with modern manual cataract surgery (Mini-nuc technique).TOD 38th National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin 265-266, 2004.
  • Taşındı E, Öztürk V, Biliş S, Kurna R, Öge F, Polat A, Talu H: The practicality and usefulness of Wavefront technology.TOD 38th National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin 298, 2004.
  • Polat A, Öktem L: The importance of hydrodelineation from inside out in refractive lens surgery.TOD. 39th National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin 260, 2005.
  • Karaçorlu M, Polat A, Özdemir H, Karaçorlu S: Subretinal bleeding following laser in situ keratomileusis. Retina-Vitreus, 2005, (13); 227-229.
  • Polat A, Önder M, Devranoğlu K: The results of our patients undergoing mini-phaco.TOD. 40th National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin 260, 2006.
  • Polat A, Önder M, Devranoğlu K: The results of our patients undergoing opposite clear corneal incision. TOD. 41st National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin 297, 2007.
  • Other Publications:
  • Polat A: Bifocal, trifocal and multifocal lenses; their properties and areas of application. AU School of Medicine Eye Clinic Almanac (1978) 31; 136, 1979.
  • Polat A: Outcomes of the pars plana vitrectomy procedures performed at our clinic between 1978 and 1981. Dissertation. 1981.
  • Polat A: Blood-retinal barrier. AU School of Medicine Eye Clinic Almanac (1980) 33; 137, 1981.
  • Günalp İ, Hasanreisoğlu B, Değer N, Polat A.: The role of cardiovascular diseases in the pathogenesis of detachment with tear. AU School of Medicine Eye Clinic Almanac (1981) 34:60, 1982.
  • Polat A: A keratoplasty case. Balıkesir State Hospital Almanac 15, 1983.
  • Polat A: The prevalence of dyschromatopsia in our region.Balıkesir State Hospital Almanac 21, 1983.
  • Polat A: A case of intraocular foreign body located in the lens. Balıkesir State Hospital Almanac 33, 1984.
  • Polat A: Our eye polyclinic results. Balıkesir State Hospital Almanac 29, 1984.
  • Polat A: Surgical treatment in strabismus. Balıkesir State Hospital Almanac 35, 1985. 40-Polat A: Ocular changes in renal dialysis and transplantations. Bursa State Hospital Medical Bulletin 1: 111, 1985.

International Publications:

  • Publications in International Peer-Reviewed Journals:
  • Polat A. Convertible mini-nuc technique. J Cataract Refract Surg 2001; 27:491-492.
  • Polat A. Needle capsulorhexis: The importance of using anterior chamber maintainer (letter). J Cataract Refract Surg 2003; 29: 1248-1249.
  • Polat A. Anterior chamber maintainer: Creating an adequate side-port incision in complicated circumstances (letter). J Cataract Refract Surg 2005; 31:8-9.
  • Polat A. Importance of anterior chamber stability in phaco surgery (letter) J Cataract Refract Surg. 2014; 40:1397.
  • Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in proceedings:
  • Polat A, Cinhüseyinoğlu N, Çagın K. Conversion from mini-nuc to classic ECCE. Program and Abstract book of the 17th ESCRS Congress, Vienna 176, 1999.
  • Polat A. Convertible procedure in the learning of mini-nuc technique. 6th MOS Cong. Bul. 138, 2000.
  • Polat A. Controlling surgically induced astigmatism in mini-nuc technique. Final Program book. 20th Congress of the ESCRS, Nice 287-288, 2002.
  • Polat A, Egrilmez S. Vector analysis: Superotemporal approach in mini-nuc technique. Baku Symposium-Azerbaijan.
  • Polat A: What is the conversion rate of my phacoemulsification? 19th ESCRS Winter Meeting, Istanbul, 2011.
  • Educational video tapes in the video catalogue of ESCRS 2003:
  • Polat A. Capsulorhexis with Kloti bipolar in the mini-nuc technique.
  • Polat A. Scleral tunnel rupture in the learning period of mini-nuc technique.
  • Polat A. Mini-nuc technique, in previous trabeculectomized eye, small pupil, no red reflex.
  • Educational video tape in the catalogue of Robert Osher Video Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery:
  • Polat A: Scleral rupture. Complication management. Vol XVII, Issue 1, 2001.